Saturday, May 13, 2006

Speed on Saturday

It's raining. Not like a nice summer sprinkle--more like a monsoon. I'm freezing my ass off. Luckily for me, two other people are on the way. At least I won't be suffering alone.

Two days ago, I'd put out an offer to host a makeup WOD at the Harvard track. Erik and Sam answered the call, and at 3:30 on Saturday afternoon, we met in the bowels of Harvard Stadium. I'd neglected to check the weather. It was coming down hard. Build an ark hard. Boat building is not in my repetoire.

A mere six hours after C&Jing two 45 pound dumbells 55 times, we were set to run a few 400s, a few 800s, and pound out a 125 squats and 125 pushups. For time.

Running in a 50 degree rain and 17 mph gusts is about as much fun as rubbing sandpaper on your fun parts. Dropping into a puddle to do pushups just elevates the experience. You should definitely try it.

The workout:

50 squats
50 pushups
25 squats
25 pushups
50 squats
50 pushups

Good stuff. I managed this in 16:02. Go faster!

Thanks to Erik and Sam for gutting it out with me. You guys rock.


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